Black & Gold Tennis Camps
Thank you for joining us this year for our camps. Our 2012 dates and registration will open soon! Please check back to the website often to see when next year’s camps will take place!
“Our goal is to help players learn the process they need to compete at a higher level.”
Purdue Tennis Camps are a great way to improve your game and learn much more. We provide quality instruction from experienced college coaches using the latest techniques for success in today’s game. Attending tennis camps at Purdue University will be a fun and challenging learning process in an exciting college environment. Our goal is to help players learn the process they need to compete at a higher level through disciplined work ethic, positive attitude, mental skills, and team work. Campers leave with knowledge and friendships which last a lifetime.
Camps will be held at the Dennis J. and Mary Lou Schwartz Tennis Center. The tennis center is one of the finest in the world. View our facility at
- Junior players grades 5-12
- Boys and girls co-ed camps
- Campers receive individualized lesson time
- Video analysis of tennis strokes
- Modern residence and dining halls
- Air conditioned suite-style rooms
- Overnight or day camper options
- Six air conditioned indoor courts
- Twelve Plexipave outdoor courts
- Cushion court system for stress-relief and comfort
- On site training room facility
- Team lounges
- Team locker rooms
- On court audio systems
- Video analysis systems
- Spectator viewing for all courts